Much of our power is to be found in the choices we make and the actions we take, with every choice either leading us down the same familiar path or propelling us towards a new future.
Without warning, fear can take over.
There is so much turmoil in our hearts and in our heads that it is easy to lose sight of what is truly important to us. We are influenced by the myriad events in our lives -- both the joyous and grace filled events and those that blindside us and leave us hurt, angry, sad or grief ridden.
Everyday we make choices and are confronted with different possibilities that shape our future.
We often treat these choices as if they mean nothing, as if there will be no consequences, or if there are, we will deal with them later --- tomorrow, next week or whenever.
But these day to day choices either whittle away at our self esteem and confidence or add to our character making us feel strong and more alive. Our ability to cut through fear and to act with cause is determined by whether our choices are made from thoughtfulness and planning or while we are on automatic pilot which is our non thinking or non feeling state that drives us to repeat old patterns of regret. As we pause, think, and choose, we act with purpose and cause.
If you grew up without a strong sense of self, you second guessed yourself constantly. Confused by the internal doubt filled chatter you most likely shrank in the face of adversity, hid when you needed to be seen, and kept your mouth shut when your voice needed to be heard.
Fear will have you choose what you believe will keep you safe even when the opposite is true.
There are kinds of lies that keep fear in power.