With help, with connection, recovering addicts can integrate new beliefs and discard dysfunctional thinking. Without the mood alternating insanity to insulate them from knowledge about their own selves, and they become participants in the restoration of their own sanity.
All forms of addiction are vicious because they further the inability to trust others. Yet without help from others, the addict cannot regain control because the addiction feeds itself.
Any programs that offer meetings for recovering addicts to restore the network of human relationships are typically successful. Joining with other recovering addicts helps those who are lured back to believing their own denial, a core symptom of the disease of addiction.
Most importantly, is to stay out of the delusion that one can use drugs and/or alcohol, "just one more time" or "be moderate" is to listen to another recovering addict share their story as values and priorities are re-claimed.
Out of the Shadows ~ Carnes