Here’s what you do.
At night, when you’re lying in bed in the dark, just before you go off to sleep…
close your eyes and whisper quietly to yourself or in your mind,
all the things you are grateful for that have happened that day or that are occurring in your life at the moment. Even if you can only come up with one thing – it’s something!
The more you do it, the easier it becomes – like any habit.
After a while you will be amazed at all the good that is in your life.
And guess what?
You will attract more by being in this frame of mind.
What you focus on you attract.
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey
You can also do this in a Gratitude Journal.
Buy a beautiful journal and write in it regularly.
When you’re having a bad day have a look through your Journal and
it will trigger your good feelings and you may be surprised what beauty comes from your words.
When I feel low and heavy with anxiety of the future
or frustrated from my day,
I go back to the basics.
Here are some things I am grateful for at the moment:
I’m healthy.
I’m loved.
I have enough money for food.
I have somewhere clean, warm and safe to live.
I have wonderful supportive friends and family.
I am able to see, hear and walk. I am able to travel.
I can walk in nature and be in awe of its simplicity
and power. I have the power to choose happiness and define it for myself. I live in a beautiful country.
I am free to choose.