Intentions set up action which move us toward an outcome.
Setting intentions directs the mind and gives us purpose.
When we lose sight of our purpose, a void is created and we can easily stray off our path.
Focusing on your heart and what’s important to you creates clarity
and self-discovery.
This is where transformation lives.
We are all privileged in that we have the ability to train our minds.
We all have the ability to be consciously aware of the energy we are putting out,
and with that, we are able to manage what we bring in to our lives.
Since we are capable of conscious awareness, we can change the energy and
content of our reality and in doing so, cause our deepest desires to be realized and change our entire outlook on life.
Evaluate your life.
When setting an intention, ask yourself how you feel, what you need, and how your present moment can best serve YOU. If you are setting proper intentions, then you end each individual day with a
fresh version of yourself and able to give the best of yourself to others.
An important thing to keep in mind is that intentions are for the betterment of YOUR LIFE.
You can’t just control others because you have certain intentions for them.
If your reach is too far, you will probably end up feeling defeated.
What you can do, is visualize a goal, evaluate your needs,
and create an intention each day that will help you get there.
Pay attention.
Your intentions are supporting the life that you want to lead,
not taking away from it.
If you identified how you want to feel, what you want to create, and how you want to contribute to others, but you are feeling or doing the opposite in your daily actions, then you are not giving enough attention to your intentions.
Don’t worry about the result.
Your intentions are not a to-do list.
Stop listening to the voice in your head that tells you something HAS to happen right away, or you HAVE to be in charge. You may have an idea of what you want and be setting an intention for the future, however your mind must be focused on the present.
It is extremely hard for some people to live in a realm of uncertainty.
When people are so caught up in the thoughts, emotions, and tasks of tomorrow, they forget to focus on the present day. Sometimes people even focus on the thoughts, emotions, and memories of the past, because they feel like they could have changed something to be in a better place in the current moment.
Let go of your ego and remember that the world
is full of uncertainty.
You don’t know everything; nobody does. And while your putting all your attention on things you can not change or control, your goals and desires will disappear and your focus will be misdirected.
There is always a starting point,
and your intention can be that starting point.
After you have set an intention, let things progress naturally.
The outcome that you try so hard to force may more often than not be the one that isn’t meant for you. Intend for everything to work out as it should, then let go and
allow opportunities and openings to come your way.
Stay positive.
Intention is much more powerful when it comes from a place of contentment than if it arises from a sense of lack or need. If you are constantly afraid of something happening, or insecure about something, then you are focusing on what you DON’T want, change your thinking, be mindful of what you DO want.
Creating these positive, open-ended, and mindful intentions is a great way to train yourself
to be the best you you can be.
Your intentions and actions are the only ones that matter
because they are the only things you can control.
Start today, find a quiet peaceful space, Give time to yourself. Set an intention.