Of laying down in the grass,
and looking up at the night sky.
I can almost smell the dew of that grass,
the warmth and safety of just lying there.
seeing the stars, so bright. Counting. Gazing into the sky.
Wondering, questioning, and awe of the vastness.
The bliss of this experience,
taking in the expanse of the sky and the universe.
Why don't I remember this "me" more often?
Moving from the small self into something bigger
is taking time for yourself, to realize you.
Your precious nature of curiosity.
When do we dream and wonder and hope?
We can rediscover amazement.
We can move into that place of being, not doing.
Pondering, escaping into the vastness.
Slow down and recover the simplicity of being a child
who dreams and questions.
Healing involves recovering those times of you.
This takes only an action.
Take care of you.
Lay on the grass. Gaze at the stars one night.
You can never see an ugly sky.