Authentic generosity is an attitude based on abundance,
the knowledge that we have all that we need.
Whereas generosity based on scarcity calculates
potential losses and payoffs.
Generosity based on abundance is about giving a gift away in order to keep.
To know the difference between authentic, abundance-based generosity and false, fear based generosity is to know the difference between giving from the ego and giving from the heart.
Fear based generosity is done when it makes you look good, or not giving something until you believe you "can afford it." Or giving because someone else does and trying to catch up so you look good too. Perceived power comes from having more than others.
Fear based generosity says,
'don't give too much or other people will expect the same from you in the future.'
Abundance based generosity requires nothing except to give away as much as you can by laying comparisons aside.
Giving without attachment or expectations, guarantees peace and prosperity.
Give for the sake of giving, because this is how you in turn will receive.
There is an endless supply of what you want.
So there is no need to keep score.
To be generous you need to do nothing other than recognize the truth about who you are.
Withholding generosity from another is the same as withholding it from yourself.
Remember this.
Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow has not yet come.
And so we have only today to make something
beautiful for ourselves.
Love is a gift to be shared.
Give to another.
Walking Through Walls ~ Jampolsky