Serenity must come from within.
There is only one opposing emotion to love, and that is fear. Fear is something that our egos made up, and fear is at the core of the addictive thought system. Based on fear, many other conflicted beliefs occur.
There are four fundamental parts of the addictive thought system.
- Fear.
- Living in the past or Living in the future.
- Judgement.
- Scarcity - That I am not enough.
Fear is the fuel on which the addictive thought system runs.
When you find yourself looking to a drug, a job, food, material possessions, or a relationship for your happiness, it is because you are afraid, you have forgotten that you are love.
When you become like a child, seeing fearsome images in the dark, seeing attack and hostility all around you, your mind has forgotten that you are love, and in turn, you have become afraid.
When you have an endless resume of accomplishments and still don't feel good about yourself, love seems to be nowhere and you are afraid.
When you want nothing more than to feel the love of another, yet you continually armor yourself in defenses, it is because you are in an ironic dilemma.
You are afraid of that for which you yearn: Love.
Projection leads us into a world where fear is constantly reinforced. We end up being afraid of love and freedom. Instead of inviting love into our hearts we become hosts of guilt. We become surrounded by bars of fear, forged by our own thinking.
How to break the cycle of fear
1. Begin to talk about your feelings.
2. Begin to identify your irrational beliefs.
3. Begin to see that there is nothing you want to hide, even if you could.
When living in the past or the future.
There is nothing you have done in the past that makes you unworthy of love.
There is nothing that you need to do to become loveable.
This instant you are not only worthy of love, but you are love itself.
Until I direct my mind to let go of the past,
I will not really know myself and love, and it will continue to escape my awareness living in the past or the future.
The future is the black hole of worry. What better way to for the ego to distract us than to create images of catastrophic possibilities lie in the future!
The average adult spends about 50% of his or her time preoccupied with the future. Will I have enough money, time, will this person or that person like an accept me? The list goes on and on!