1. Self esteem is dependent upon my being approved of by everyone on the planet.
1. My self-esteem is not dependent upon pleasing others. Approval seeking takes me away from who I am.
2. If I am to consider myself worthwhile, I must excel, achieve, win, and display glowing competence at all times, in all places, and at all costs.
2. My self-worth is not based solely upon what I do or achieve. I am enough right now.
3. All things that go wrong in my life are caused by other people. These people need to be blamed and punished.
3. Healing must begin in my own mind.
4. If external situations in my life are not exactly how I want them to be I must feel tense, worry endlessly, and expect a disaster to occur within seconds.
4. If I want to change my life, I must first change my mind. What I experience is based upon my thoughts and my beliefs.
5. If something negative happened in the past,, I should be very concerned about repeating itself in the future. It will help if I keep dwelling on the possibility of it occurring.
5. The past is the past. The future is the future. The present is the present.
6. If I avoid painful issues and stuff down my emotions, I will be safe and happy.
6. I trust the unfolding of my life. Love has never abandoned me. I need but open my heart to it.
7. I am weak and need to be dependent on somebody or something else.
7. Share who you are with another, Don't look to another to make up for a lack in yourself.
8. I should be very involved in, and upset about, other people's problems.
8. Fixing you will not fix me.
9. There is no right way to view the world.
9.There is another way to look at this. The world is not always clearly black and white. If I am attached to being right, I am shutting the door on learning and the lessons of love.
10. I am limited in what I can do and the happiness that I can experience.
10. I am limitless.