Confusion actually tries to protect you by halting your actions,
but it can also easily spiral you down into a persistent and unresolved state.
It is fine to be confused. Our emotions inform us.
If you can unmask your confusion you can revive your instincts and intuitions and discover why you are unable to take decisive action.
The practice for confusion is simple and sometime difficult at first. You simply ask yourself to define your intentions. Ask yourself, "What is my motive?" If you do not focus on what choice you should make, or what thing you should do, or what direction should you go, you focus on "What is my intention or what is my motive here?"
Confusion stops you when you are not following your instincts. Questioning your intentions will almost always help you pinpoint why your intuition and your focus have departed.
It most cases, confusion arise to trip you up when your behavior or motives aren't in line with your stated purpose in life. If you push ahead blindly, you almost always will make a mistake.
If you can pause, and take a moment to ask yourself, "What is my motive?" you will be able to re-access your position. When you can do this, you will realize why you have been unable to think or act. When you know your intentions, you will know exactly why you have been so confused.
Empower yourself, pause, think, act.
Taken from
The Language of Emotions