We can accept that if we have an emotionally based behavior pattern that we do no own up to or cannot see; we will repeat that pattern.
How many times have you dated the same kind of person, the same kind of boss, and kept making the same mistakes over and over again?
This isn't about blame and victimization, this is about taking responsibility and beginning to look honestly at ourselves and heal our inner world.
We can surrender our excuses, justifications, rationalizations, and the fear that created them.
We can recognize that our way of holding on instead of letting go has seen it's day, and then willingly surrender managing these experiences. If we do not recognize and own up to our part, we will keep repeating this patterns over and over again.
With this newly "retrofitted" foundation we can confidently take full responsibility for co-creating our lives, opening the door to emotional freedom.
With courage as our compass, not only do we take responsibility for our lives in the present, but we take responsibility for our futures as well.
Debbie Ford ~ Courage