Why? Because when we lose the ability or willingness to be vulnerable, joy become something we approach with deep foreboding.
This shift from our younger self's greeting of joy with unalloyed delight happens slowly and outside of our awareness. We don't seem to even know that it's happening or why.
We just know that we crave more joy in our lives, that we are joy starved. When I started asking participants about the experiences that left them feeling the most vulnerable, I didn't expect joy to be one of the answers. I expected fear and shame, but not the joyful moments of their lives.
People said they were at their most vulnerable when:.." B. Brown/Daring Greatly.
I am most vulnerable when I am:
- Standing over children while they are sleeping.
- Acknowledging how much I love my husband/wife.
- Knowing how good I've got it.
- Loving my job.
- Spending time with my parents.
- Watching my parents with my children.
- Thinking about my relationship with my boyfriend.
- Getting engaged.
- Going into remission.
- Having a baby.
- Getting promoted.
- Being happy.
- Falling in love.
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