yet that baby trusts that they are there.
This is the beginning of a
child's formation of faith and trust.
If a child grows up in a family
where one or both of the parents
cannot be present because of an addiction,
which can be drugs, alcohol, a career, codependent relationships,
that child has difficulty with trust.
Most importantly, that child has difficulty in believing in themselves.
How does a child trust other people in the world
when they cannot trust their own parents
to take care of their needs?
It is important to believe in qualities that are not tangible
even if one had to grow up without those beliefs.
In recovery from my own difficult years as that child,
I need faith today.
I need to know that life can be better,
that I do not need to live, alone, in pain and fear of the unknown.
Life can be gentle and powerful
filled with joy and potential.
I can contemplate the unseen wonders of the world.
I can revel in the power of the ocean,
the stillness of the sunset
and be safe in those moments.
I can marvel at the planets that revolve without colliding.
I can consider the unseen
power of love
that transforms life.
Today I can open myself to the possibility of faith.
Faith in myself
and faith in my world.