Some Steps in Loving Myself.
1. Stop all self-criticism.
2. Stop scaring myself with fear thoughts.
3. Be gentle, kind and patient with myself.
4. Stop needing to be perfect and remember I am human.
5. Support myself.
6. Ask for help with a safe support system.
7. Love my "negatives" (mistakes, painful feelings, etc.).
8. Care for my body (nutrition, exercise, sleep).
9. Do Mirror work.
10. Accept the things I cannot change.
11. Change the things I can change.
12. Begin loving myself right now, unconditionally.
Mirror Work
Although difficult to do, stand in front of a mirror,
looking at yourself with all compassion and say any of the following:
I love you.
You are safe with me.
What can I do today to make you happy.
I really care for you.
I will stop punishing you.
I will treat you Kindly.
I will listen to you and be considerate of you.
I will nurture you.
It is time now to be healed.
I am loved.
I am love.
I am safe.
Which of these possibilities are you willing to consider?
Are you worthy of this love?