How many times have you made yourself small enough to fit into some role that you wanted no part of?
How many times have you kept your mouth shut when you wanted to scream loudly, or handed over your power to someone who didn't have your best interests at heart?
How many times have you succumbed to an impulsive or addictive behavior rather than making a clear minded choice?
How many times have you told yourself,
"I can't. I'm not strong enough. I'm not courageous or confident enough to be all that I desire to be?"
Everyday we are confronted with hundreds of choices that either make us feel confident, strong, and worthy, or rob us of the things we desire the most.
Paralyzing fears, repressed self confidence, and untapped courage are the obstacles that prevent us from making powerful choices--choices that are in concert with our best interests and deepest desires. For too many of us, unworthiness permeates most of our decisions in dealing with our finances, our families, our bodies, our weight, or our self image.
What do we need to do to be confident, to stand in all our strength, and to feel great about ourselves?
We need to rebuild our confidence. And we must begin by improving our self esteem. We need to learn to love all of who we are--our history, our flaws, our misgivings, our weaknesses, and our fears.
And even more than learning to love ourselves, we need to take love on as a cause for ourselves.
Becoming more of a warrior -- a warrior that loves ourselves, protects us from the fearful voices of the enemy within. A warrior that lives and acts with great courage, who can face the toughest emotional challenges and break the old patterns who does not choose weakness over strength.
A courageous warrior looks at each person as a divine being and each experience as a divine experience. Leading with the heart, powerfully determined to bring about the best in everyone and everything.
A courage within that is able to speak out even when everyone is whispering for you to stay silent.
A warrior that is brave enough to leave behind those who might hinder success or diminish value.
Confident enough to reach out to those who can help, and who doesn't succumb to the internal demons that would know you down, rather fighting for a higher truth, a higher love.
So how does a courageous warrior live?
Seeing fears clearly and embraces them with honesty and courage and compassion for the very things that make you different.
Seeing the beauty and perfection in every aspect of yourself listening to your voice of hope, your voice of confidence, your voice of strength, and the voice of forgiveness.
A warrior knows the voice to choose and which voice that will guide you.
Find your warrior.
Debbie Ford - Courage