it is easy to start thinking that joy comes from outside of yourself.
You may think that if you have more friends, more money, or more recognition that you will have more joy. You end up on a roller-coaster ride when you spend your energy looking to the world to make yourself joyful.
If you think that others must fully approve of you, or that you must please others, you cannot experience true joy. In the ability to know who you are, joy blossoms.
To have joy, to be inwardly aware, one is required to let go of the things that are not important. Essentially the unimportant is what is valueless.
Joy is trusting that the light within you is who you are.
The light of love and forgiveness begins to shine through all of the layers of darkness when you turn inward and become sensitive to who you are.
Celebrate yourself today. Take joy in, who you are, and be thankful for the life you have and all those who come into your life to teach you the lessons you need to learn.
Know there is not one person in your life who is not there to teach you, if you are willing to learn.
When you see the world in this light, you will indeed see quite a different world.