we also embrace our imagination and creativity.
Today we refuse to be victims of past issues any longer.
We can leave toxic shame where it belongs, in the past.
We become the artistic creators of our lives.
We take risks.
We go after the things we really want.
Open yourself to the awesome unlimited possibilities
of our human nature.
Such possibilities are modeled by the
magnificent outpouring of human creation.
Our great musicians were limited by the laws of the musical scale,
but within those limits the variety of their compositions
are almost unbelievable.
Our great painters were limited by their canvas,
but walking through a museum of fine art
can be an awesome and overwhelming experience.
Within our human limits, there are still miracles to come.
You are one of those miracles.
Being human requires courage.
It requires courage because human beings are imperfect.
You need the courage to be imperfect.
The courage to be imperfect
engenders a lifestyle characterized by spontaneity and humor.
Stop walking on eggshells and be imperfect!
Take more risks, feel freer to explore, be creative,
and laugh more!
As Robert Frost would have it, "Ride easy in the harness."
Healing the Shame that Binds Us
John Bradshaw