recognizing that you can always deepen your understanding of who that person is today.
Loving someone is...
about sharing who you are and listening to who that person is with the ear of the heart rather than the ear of judgement. Love means that we are willing to let go of the past.
Loving someone is...
allowing the present moment to bring new and unlimited awareness of who you are, who that person is and who you are together.
Whenever you are thinking judgmentally about someone, remind yourself; hidden beneath all of my ideas and preconceived thoughts
is something of beauty; love, of infinite value.
The whole mind or our "inner guidance" is based on love.
The whole mind recognizes the interconnected-ness of life. It is the source of compassion.
The Core Principles of the Whole Mind
1. Love is the core of who we are.
2. Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
3. The present moment is the genuine basis of reality.
4. Choice is always with us.
5. We are a part of all life.
6. Extending compassion to all life results in something positive.
7. Acceptance leads to change.
8. Seeing commonalities creates closeness to others.
9. Being happy is important.
10. We are responsible for how we feel.
taken from The Art of Trust-Lee Jampolsky Ph.D.