I have done this for my survival.
I am now interested in much more than survival.
I can see it the way it is.
There is nothing outside myself that can save me.
I have everything I need inside me.
All of the love I have been searching for is here within me.
I demand it from others because I am unwilling to give it to myself.
I can give it to myself.
My very nature is love, so there is no need to search for it, no need to work at it.
Love is the only thing I need to change.
I am now willing to love myself.
Some steps in loving myself.
1. Stop all self criticism.
2. Stop scaring myself with fear thoughts.
3. Be gentle, kind and patient with myself.
4. Stop needing to be perfect.
5. Support myself.
6. Love my "negatives" (mistakes, show painful feelings, etc.)
7. Ask for help with a safe support system.
8. Care for my body (nutrition, exercise, etc.)
9. Mirror work.
10. Accept the things I cannot change.
11. Change the things I can.
12. Begin loving myself right now, unconditionally.
Although Mirror Statements are difficult to do, stand in front of a mirror,
look at yourself with compassion, and say any or all of the following;
I love you.
You are safe with me.
What can I do today to make you happy?
I really care for you.
I will stop punishing you.
I will treat you kindly.
I will listen to you and be considerate of you.
I will nurture you.
It is time now to be healed.
I am loved.
I am love.
I am safe.