Their hearts resonate with ours in exactly the same way the strings of an un-plucked violin vibrate with the sounds of a violin played nearby.
If a person filled with panic or hatred walks into a room; we feel it immediately, and unless we are very mindful, that person's negative state will begin to overtake our own.
When a joyfully expressive person walks into a room, we can feel that state as well.
And when we see the goodness of those before us, the dignity in them resonates with our admiration and respect.
This resonance can begin very simply. In India, when people greet one another they put their palms together and bow, saying namaste. "I honor the divine within you."
It is a way of acknowledging your Buddha nature, who you really are.
Some believe that the western handshake evolved to demonstrate friendliness and safety, to show that we are not holding any weapon.
But the greeting namaste goes a step further,
from "I will not harm you" to "I see that which is holy in you."
It creates the basis for sacred relationship.
The Wise Heart - Jack Kornfield