Good things keep happening all around us, but much of the time we don't notice them; even when we do, we often hardly feel them.
Some one is nice to you, you see an admirable quality in yourself, a flower is blooming, you finish a difficult project --and it all just rolls by.
Instead, actively look for good news, particularly the little stuff of daily life; the faces of children, the smell of an orange, a memory form a happy vacation, a minor success at work and so on.
When you see an experience that is positive, stay in it for 10 seconds, make it last. Don't allow your attention to skitter off to something else. The longer that something is held in awareness and more emotionally stimulating it is, the more neurons in the brain fire and thus wire together, and the strong the truce is in your memory.
What a wonderful way to build positive memories that attach to happiness.
Whatever positive facts you find, bring a mindful awareness to them--open up to them and let them affect you It's like sitting down to a banquet: don't just look at it--dig in!
Buddha's Brain
Rick Hanson