we may assert both our power and our needs.
Growing up in a dysfunctional household
where one could not express their needs,
personal power was not able to develop as well as identifying needs.
One's desires are curbed and limited when family issues are before the child's needs.
The child then realizes they have limited possibilities.
As we move through the world as adults, recovering and understanding the dysfunction of our families, the world no longer becomes limited.
The world becomes limited-less.
We are no longer framed on a small canvas, but a large mural.
As the adult becomes aware of their needs, and those needs becomes more varied, we paint our mural not just with primary colors,
we paint with all the colors of the rainbow.
Our personal power adds structure, focus, and knowledge to our vision of what the world can be for us.
As we move forward in our discovery, we present our inner child
with an exciting vision of the world that we had once observed.
We dare to express passionate desires and commit personal power to seeking our own fulfillment.
Affirmations for the Inner Child ~ Lerner