For everyone of us practicing forgiveness
is vital
for the healing of our hearts
so that we become willing to open up to an even
greater level of connection with ourselves.
Love is the sacred source of our wellspring of our courage and our confidence.
It is love that transports us to a place where our hearts are pure,
where we are not holding anything against anyone
because we know that the universe has brought us
the perfect people and experiences
for our own evolution.
Although we 'know' that all of our experiences
are ultimately leading us to open up and love,
this conclusion is one we must finally reach with
our hearts, not our heads.
When we are holding on to
any grudge, any resentment, any anger, any blame, any guilt,
any regret, any judgement, any bitterness, any disappointment
and self righteousness, any hater or any revenge it
becomes a barrier between
us and our loving hearts.
When we are blocked from heartful compassion,
we are unable to be fully loving.
Our resentments keep us with one foot stuck in the past.
If were are going to move forward with love,
as human beings of courage, strength, and power,
we cannot let incidents from our past bring us down.
We must release others--
and most important,
ourselves--from the prisons of our past.
"We see these things as horrific experiences,
terrible experiences, experiences of emotional pain,
when in truth they are really enlightened experiences
because they help us be who we are." James Va Praagh
Holding grudges and blaming are acts of the ego.
in each moment is the choice we make
to align either with our ego or the
with the love.
As our heart open, we step into grace and
flow of miracles that life is offering us,
which is when we listen,
is never ending.
Debbie Ford - Courage