You are invited to come to a bi-monthly psychotherapy group called:
“Recovery Today, From Surviving to Thriving”
Facilitated by Jo Ellen Fletcher, LMFT
Specializing in Issues of Addiction and Recovery
This group meets next on Monday, June 19, 2017 from 6 pm. to 7:15 pm
There is a limit of 6 individuals.
The rate is $40 per person and the group meets 2 x month.
Please contact Jo Fletcher, LMFT & reserve a space. (805) 367-6080.
5014 Chesebro Road, First Floor
Agoura Hills, California 91301
The irony of addiction is that we thirst for what we already have,
the sense of belonging, completeness, and grace.
Through our addiction we sought the magic potion
that we believed gave us mastery over our internal world and ourselves
as well as control over our lives. The survival only lasted so long.
Today we discover that we cannot fill ourselves externally
with what we need internally.
We seek to thrive instead of survive.
This group is about the recovering person,
finding and defining a self and
obtaining balance in our inner lives as sober individuals.
learning how to thrive instead of survive.
In this group we will address uncovery and recovery.
The 'uncovery' of who we are as person seeking a balance
and a peaceful inner life without drugs and/or alcohol.