Marriage prepares us to live and love on life's terms.
Marriage is a clear sense of who you are as you become increasingly intimate with a partner who is increasingly more important to you, knowing what you value and believe, and not defending a false or inaccurate self-picture.
Facing relationship realities produces the personal integrity necessary for intimacy, eroticism, and a lifetime loving marriage.
How is integrity relevant to marriage?
Integrity is the ability to face the realities of life and living according to your own values and beliefs in the face of opposition. It is also the ability to change your values, beliefs and behavior when your well-considered judgement or concern for others dictates it. Putting your partner's goals on par, with your own and delaying your agenda accordingly takes and makes integrity.
Holding onto yourself involves true mutuality and a key ingredient to intimacy.
"May we all develop the strength to love well."
Passionate Marriage - Schnarch