Scarcity is the notion that we are always lacking something. Because of this belief we become caught in endless pursuits to fill this perceived void. We think that our pursuits are valid, yet the following is really happening.
Much of our emotional pain comes from thinking that we are lacking, less than whole.
The ego tells us to search for things or relationships to make us feel a sense of wholeness. We embark on a search that we think will fill the void.
In the end, we feel incomplete and we start the search again.
The feeling of yearning takes us back to understanding our beginning and the attachment to our parents and feeling safe at home. We are like a child and feeling lost.
Ultimately we are searching for something that has not really been fulfilled or taught to us as children.
That feeling of wholeness and that we are enough the way we are today.
We have wondered away from our wholeness and love. In the process we have forgotten who we are and gotten lost.
The more we have searched outside of ourselves, the more lost we have become. It is only in the quieting of our minds and our hearts that we come to know ourselves.
Accepting who we are and self love set us free.
Remember, we are always choosing between judgement and acceptance. With practice we can just as easily choose to fill our minds with love based thoughts as we can with the condemnation and judgement of the addictive thought system.
Healing the Addictive Mind - Lee Jampolsky