We have all been unconsciously conditioned to make ourselves wrong, criticize ourselves, beat ourselves up, and take the blame. To make up for all the years of wounding and the years of love this part of you needed and didn't get, you can develop a daily practice that will heal the hurt that has closed your heart.
One of the most transformative practices I know involves ongoing attention to the child within.
Self-love will ask you to bring a clear and kind awareness to this vulnerable part of yourself where you can genuinely say,"I am sorry" for the times you second-guessed yourself, for the things you have done that make you feel bad for the ways you have punished or deprived yourself, and for the guilt you have carried for which you continue to shame yourself.
In other words, you can open your heart to yourself over and over again.
Every time you catch yourself thinking something negative about yourself, or saying something that belittles or shames you, you can be humble enough and wise enough to know that it is just as hurtful as it would be if you were doing it to a young child over and over again. Imagine taking out a plastic bat or something that hurts and then with every negative thought you think, hitting that child. It is a terrible image, but that is what you are doing to yourself when you are not complete with the past and refuse to forgive yourself.
You can make time each day to apologize to yourself, to let the healing balm of honest remorse soothe your forgotten aches. This high level of respect will expedite your completion process and set you free.
You may have become an expert at giving away to others the love that you so desperately need for yourself. When you can be humble enough to take your inner child into your arms---to hold and nurture him or her, feeling deep in your heart how badly you want to protect him or her---you can give to your apologies for making him or her wrong for not listening to him or her, and for the thousand times you have judged your inner child.
The antidote to healing is to give yourself the love you need today, and not try to fix the past.