Codependency is an emotional disorder that causes people to ignore their own needs while constantly fulfilling the needs of others. A codependent person may forfeit his or her own well-being and values in the pursuit of assisting someone else.
After experiencing relationship trauma, codependents often form unhealthy relationships due to feelings of low self-worth.
Codependents often enter relationships with individuals who are irresponsible, emotionally detached or excessively needy.
Such relationships are likely to be emotionally and sometimes physically abusive.
As a result, codependents tend to be downtrodden and oppressed in their relationships.
Individuals suffering from codependency repress their emotions and needs to the point that they are subjected to relationship trauma and extremely low self-esteem.
If unaddressed, codependency continues, causing individuals to cope with their emotions by abusing alcohol, drugs, sex or food. Those who seek emotional relief in food can develop eating disorders without realizing the transition.
The Five Core Symptoms of Codependency
1. Neglecting your own needs
2. No or Few Boundaries
3. Owning your own reality
4. Low Self Esteem
5. Black and White Thinking
Codependent Survival
Moving from little or no esteem to esteeming ourselves in a healthy ways, feels unfamiliar, for we are used to telling ourselves that we are being arrogant, or when we set boundaries that we are being distant.
Put more energy into loving yourself than you do into trying to love others.Learning how to love yourself is at the heart of learning how to love others in a healthy way.