With courage as our compass, not only do we take responsibility for our lives in the present, but we take responsibility for our futures as well.
In taking responsibility and stepping out of blame and victimization and we are beginning to heal our inner world. Taking responsibility means taking ownership.
It means acknowledging that we have in fact participated (even on an unconscious level) in the choices and actions that brought about the most painful events we have gone through.
When we take 100 percent responsibility, we take responsibility not only for the circumstances of our lives but for our emotions and our internal world as well.
We cannot heal what we cannot feel.
In order to take back our power and regain control of our lives,
we must take ownership of our emotions.
This requires that we acknowledge and own the depth of our hurt and pain.
Our painful emotions can push us back into the small, defensive, resistant shell of our old emotional wounds. The disappointments, grudges, and resignation stemming from past betrayals may come up an drives us to retreat and protect ourselves.
Emotional freedom promises us that we are safe to let go of our struggle and our distrustful behaviors.
Once we recognize we are trapped in the limited reality of our hurts, we have a choice.
We can choose to continue to allow our thoughts, words, and actions to be driven by fear,
or we can choose to be guided by courage.
Taken from the book, Courage by Debbie Ford