Offer it and it will come to you, because it is drawn to itself.
But offer attack and love will remain hidden, for it can live only in peace.
Love based thinking recognizes a simple fact:
I lack nothing in order to be happy right now.
This is because there is no shortage of love. And soon as we buy into the the addictive thought system and see ourselves as lacking and incomplete, and begin our addictive search.
When we perceive ourselves as separate and alone in a world where there is only so much to go around, we become addicts try to get "enough." Yet the addictive thought system deceives us.
It holds out a carrot promising happiness yet secretly has the motto, "There is Never Enough."
When did the addictive thought system begin? It began precisely at the moment when we began to view ourselves as something other than whole, loving beings.
It is a premise that the experience of love is not something to be achieved, it is to be remembered.
Who we are, ----love, ----has never left; it simply has been covered up by the addictive thought system.
We did not become incomplete at some point in our lives, we simply forgot who we were, and so began searching outside of ourselves for happiness.
Peace of mind is not something to be "achieved."
The memory of love is only a thought away.
Love awaits only my welcome.