1. Acknowledging your inner victim. Make a list of thee situations in your life where you are blaming, pointing your finger, holding on to anger, and feeling like a victim.
2. Identifying the biggest blockage. On the list you just made, circle the three situations that most stand in the way of your courage and your confidence.
3. Claiming your part in the drama. Journal about whether you had a role in these dramas. What was your role in them? What choices did you make that put you in these situations?
Please make a commitment not to blame or berate yourself.
It you are looking only at a place where you have been victimized, begin with an easier situation.
4. Finding the gifts. Answer the following questions about this challenging situation:
- How can I learn from this?
- What is the message I need to hear?
- What is the gift that this experience holds for me?
5. Freeing Yourself. Take an action will will support you in letting to of any baggage related to these three situations so that you can move forward with grace determination and confidence.
6. Heal the 'people pleaser' within you. Say no to at least three people who make a request to you, and affirm to yourself that it is perfectly safe to say no. Enjoy. Do this as many times as you can in the next six weeks. "No" is your friend.
7. Make a list of seven situations in which you told the truth even though you did not want to.
It is only the voice of fear that obscures the truths and attempts to diminish the power of the life you have lived. To silence the voice of fear, you need only reach a hand toward the beautiful unknown and call on heartful compassion
to believe that there is a profound meaning to all that you have lived, even the darkest moments.