is the most widely accepted myth of being vulnerable and the most dangerous.
When we spend our lives pushing away and protecting ourselves
from feeling vulnerable or from being perceived as too emotional,
we feel contempt when others are less capable or willing
to mask feelings, suck it up, and soldier on.
We have come to the point where,
rather than respecting and appreciating the courage and daring
behind vulnerability,
we let our fear and discomfort
become judgement and criticism.
Vulnerability is not good or is not bad.
It is not what we call a dark emotion,
nor is it always a light, positive experience.
Vulnerability is the core of all emotions and feelings.
To feel is to be vulnerable.
To believe vulnerability is weakness is to believe that feeling is weakness.
To foreclose on our emotional life
out of a fear that the costs will be too high
is to walk away from the
very thing that give purpose and meaning to living.
Our rejection of vulnerability
often stems from our associating it with dark emotions
like fear, shame, grief, sadness, and disappointment.
These are emotions we don't want to discuss,
even when they profoundly affect the way
we live, love, work, and even lead.
When most of us fail to understand
is that vulnerability is the cradle of emotions we crave.
Vulnerability is the birthplace of love.
Of belonging, joy, courage, empathy, accountability,
and authenticity.
If we want greater clarity in our purpose or to deepen and
experience more meaningful spiritual lives,
vulnerability is the path.
Brene Brown - Daring Greatly