you must be mindful of any propensity
toward allowing your fear to rule you.
When operating from a primitive, fearful state,
everything seems to be a threat to survival,
and the mind begins to justify actions
it otherwise would recognize
as dominating and manipulative.
I have heard many eloquent excuses for being dishonest with a loved one,
violating a confidence,
and secretly sabotaging another person.
Fear can blind us,
and our intention can become selfish,
because we seek to build our sense of
power and security no matter what the cost.
If you have an unwholesome intention
and are consciously choosing
to manipulate others,
you are limiting your own capacity for change
and stunting the creative unfolding of your own life.
Your energy is being wasted on the futile effort
of trying to force the external world to conform to your vision.
The mental and emotional effort required to maintain
a pretense of integrity
when you are secretly lying or cheating is enormous.
Having wise intention is more than merely ethical;
it is necessary for psychological well being and clear thinking.
Wise intention leads to wise action.
To problem solving, solution seeking, and wholesome interaction.
It helps you trust that you will be able to work with others
to create a situation that benefits everyone involved
instead of assuming that you have to hide your motivations
and try to direct the situation from the wings.
Wise View and Wise Intentions are the Foundations of Wisdom.
Wise Mind Open Mind ~ Alexander
To exercise wise intention,